The Night Nopat Was Left Out
Lynette T.Noel   Having Only Positive Expectations
News & Events

* Book launch -

                             NALIS Audio-visual Room

                        Abercromby Street,Port of Spain,Trinidad,W.I.

                        29 May 2011; 3.30 pm.

* NALIS First Time Authors Award -

                              National Academy of Performing Arts

                          Port of Spain,Trinidad,W.I.

                          World Copyright day, 23  April 2012

* Author's Chair -

                               El Dorado East Secondary School


* Book sale -

                               Technical sevices (Secondary) of the Libraries division, bought 250 copies of my book for distribution at secondary  schools in Trnindad and Tobago.

 * Interview with Cherisse Moe of the  Guardian newspaper